Monday, September 27, 2010

Too Cute!

It doesn't get much cuter than this!!! Stylin' with her fall outfit and matching Mag Pie bow, Little Miss B is such an adorable baby with so much personality!! She is just so much fun to be around. Of course with the momma she has, it is no wonder she has personality!! My good friend Kelly Willette is the proud momma of this babe. Kelly is an amazing photographer as you can tell by this picture! The things she can do with a camera are amazing!! If you are into photography or want to grow a photography business then check her out @


I can't believe how well the referral contest went. At first was a little nervous because it was slow going in the beginning. I then extended the contest by a week and took off!!! Mag Pie now has 242 fans!!! So excited!!! WOOHOO....

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Fans

To gain new fans on my fb page, I decided to start a referral contest. I started the contest a few weeks ago and it had a very slow start. Now, I am up to 211 fans. This is extremely exciting to me!! I love it!!! I hope word spreads and I keep getting more fans!

On a side note, I hope to have new pictures uploaded tomorrow of some new things I am making!!

Have a great weekend!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What I am learning....

So....I have been doing research on how to grow creative businesses. One of the things I have learned recently is that I have to first deal with my fears. is only natural to have fears about starting a creative business but not to let those fears hold you back. Also, I have to vocalize these fears to others. By doing this, it helps to over come them and to possibly start a conversation with someone else who may be feeling the same way I do.

So.....I am afraid!! I am afraid of not being perfect. I am afraid of not being good enough. I am afraid someone won't like me or my products. I am afraid I won't live up to someones expectations. I am afraid that if I do succeed, I won't be able to keep up. I am afraid of blogging. I am afraid no one is going to care about what I have to say. I am also afraid of not following through with this business.

These are my fears today! I am sure I will be restating them from time to time.
What are your fears?? Don't be afraid to post them!!

The other thing I have learned is that I HAVE to blog. So.....I need to get it into my head to blog, blog, blog!!! Even if I don't have any pictures to post for that day, I still need to blog. I will try my hardest to keep up with this.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and thank you for being a fan.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back to Work

Well...this has been one busy week! The AC in our house was not working for about 6 days, which meant my family and I were staying at my parent's house. Needless to say, I didn't get much work done at all!! Finally the AC is working.....woohoo!!!

Also this week, my little girl started 1st grade. Getting back into the school routine hasn't been too bad. However, I have missed sleeping in in the morning! ;o)

I have also gone back to work part time. My 3 year old will be starting pre-school in a week so it was time for me to go back to work. I really can't complain since I am only working about 15 hours a week. for Mag Pie time. This is the hard part and the part I need the most help with.....finding time to do what I enjoy doing! It seems to be a constant struggle and balance between family, house, work and business. I am open to suggestions.

I finally was able to do some Mag Pie work last night. Here are a couple of things I did. Hope you like them.

Monday, August 23, 2010


So...I have no new stuff to post which I am not thrilled about. Our AC unit has been down off and on for about two weeks now. For the past 5 nights, we have had to stay with my mom. Thank goodness she lives only 5 minutes away from us! Doing any work at the house during the day has been practically impossible because of the heat. The repair men are supposed to have it fixed for good tomorrow. I love my mom but I can't wait to be back in my own home and get back to work.

On a good note, my Miss Katie started the 1st grade today. She looked so cute in her uniform headed to school. I will post some pictures of her soon.
Well...pray that the ac is working tomorrow and I can get back to work.
Be back soon!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tutu Day!!

Today has been tutu day!! I have completed some new tutus and was able to take some pictures, in between the rain showers, this afternoon! I love making tutus!! They are just so girly. There is something magical about them!! My girls love them as well!!
Of course, all matching bows are made by Mag Pie! I think they help to make the pictures complete!!
Hope you like them! Let me know what you think!!